Well, people do wanna look retarded sometimes.. i think *wink* Those photos up there are just a jist of what weird people like us are capable of.. or not. Sorry guys .. hehe *grins*
Well just went to my normal massage today after 3 months... using my usual masseur. 1 hour of excruciating pain.. especially i'm known to be stiff and blocked on my lower leg and my neck.... he'll tell me to 'yan' for that few minutes while he 'releases' that area.. lemme give u an eye opener.. it's REALLY (and when i say REALLY i meant it) REALLY REALLY pain! As usual i was holding on to the bed so tight with my mouth wide open, trying to scream. But for me, it's worth it all.. every second of that excruciating 1 hour.. my body feels great now. Got scolding from my masseur when he found out that i carry a 35 kg box (my guitar effects) every week, in and out for practice/performance/worship... Haih.. older people always tend to make sure that we young people don't make mistakes like they did in the school of hard knocks... it's good.. but my IDIOTIC light case that i ordered from the states is not here yet!!! ARGH! that means more massage sessions to remedy it.
Ok, off i go now.. 2nd round at ikea.. re-designing most parts of my room.. Sigh, i hate shopping.