Tuesday, August 09, 2005


This somewhat will NEVER be me, becoz there was never a need for me to dream of playing an air guitar whilst imagining i'm a rock star. Heck I don't know why people do it and I just don’t understand.. i heard they even have competitions in the states for the best AIR GUITARIST.. lol.. I can't even make up a modicum of excitement playing an air guitar, don't know why people get their lil’ thrills out of it.. (i do know some). So don't you dare make fun of me.. And for the record, i never ‘played’ or even ‘TRY’ to play an air guitar before. EMBARRASSING is the word. I offer sympathy for those who gets thrilled playing an air guitar... sorry i mean, FANTASIZING they're playing a real one. Get real. Anyway, here's a cool photo…

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