Thursday, August 21, 2008

August 21..

Some days you just feel like you're on top of the world, being adept at the various responsibilities you shoulder daily, may it be yr profession, studies, bumming. BUT you have days where you feel oblivious to everything around you, and at that moment it seems everything that seems to matter to you, don't matter anymore.Today was that day. I'm tired, tired of being extra nice to people eventhough I get treated like a dirty rag, or taken for granted, tired of studying, tired of being nice to relatives I don't like, tired of being a responsible brother and son (though I love it, it's tiring) or to sum it up, maybe I'm simply enervated from trying my best in life, to make the best out of everything I have (which is not much), only to find out it was not worth it in the end. Life is sure one hell of a game. I sound emo and depressed, don I? I concur. I need sleep NOW.

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